Whereas I William Gillam of the County
of Chatham and State off Northx Carolina being
of a sound mind and memory and Calling to mind
the uncertainty of time and the Necessity of Setling
my outward affairs, both make and ordain this my
last will and testament revoking all others hereto
=fore made by me
Item 1st It is my will and desire that all my Just
debts be paid as soon after my death as they
Conveniently can by ^my executors and if there should
not be money sufficient on hand at such time
to discharge the same that they dispose of such part
of such part of the perishable ^property and in such manner
as they may think best to raise the money
Item 2nd I give and bequeath [extra minum betweet 3 & a that looks like s: bequesth] unto my loving wife
Jane for her suport during her natural life
A part of the tract of land whereon I now live bounded
as follows beginning at a white oak near the mouth
of the lane betwixt Sam Lees Land and my own
runnig thence with the lane west nearly opposite
the barn then with sd Lees line and Benjamin Carls
line as their courses run until it strikes the partition
fence which include the pasture field known by the
name of the barn field thence to run with sd partion
fence until it stirkes the fence near the head of the
meadow thence down the meadow fence so far as to
strike the partition fence betwixt what is called the upper
meadow and lower meadow thence Northwardly in such a
degree as will include the dwelling and other necessary houses
until it strikes the fence above the house thence with the
fence leading to the first station, with priviledge of
cutting firewood, and ^also rail timeber sufficient to keep a
a good fence round the above bounded enclosure of the^other part
of the tract above mentioned
[next page]
I also give and bequeath unto my wife two cows her
choice six sheep her choice, three beds, one horse
her choice together with all the household and kitchen
furniture to dispose of as she may think best
Item 3rd I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Gillam
fifty Cents five shillings
Item 4’ I give and bequeath unto my son John the tract
whereon he now lives
of land ^ bounded as follow beginning at Wm ~
Stephersons south west borner thence running south of west
to a maple worker in the glade above the house
thence a due west until it strikes John Braxtons line
thence bounded by the sd Braxtons . Claiborn Guthrie &
Wm Mcphersons Land be the same more or less it is
my will he have it and hold for his own proper use
Item 5th I give and bequeath unto my son Wm Gillam
that part of land whreon I now live note heretofore
devised at my death, and also. the land which is
bequeathed to his mother at her death together with
all the stock of every kind far^m^ing utensils and property
of every kind that is not heretofore devised, nor may
hereafter ^be^ bequeathed, and disposed of by my executors to
discharge the money legacies & Debts and it is my
will that he hold the land and property herein. bequeathed to
him forever
Item 6th I give and bequeath to each of my following
daugthers to wit Mary stephens, Elizabeth Lee
Sarah Green, Marjary Lewis & Susanah Buckner
the sum of five shillings to be paid them by my
Item 7th I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Peggy
Gillam one Cow her choice after her mothers choice
one bed and furniture which she now claims
[next page = right hand side of inside of double sheet]
Item 8th I give and bequeath unto my daughter
Rebecca Gillam one cow her choice after her
Mothers and peggys choice, and one bed and furniture
which she now claims
And Lastly I appoint my worthy friend John
Braxton and my son John my executors of this
my last will and testament, In witness whereof
I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 9th day
of may eighteen hundred and twenty one
test Thos Newlin William X Gillam {Seal}
Samuel Lee (Jurt)
[bottom quarter]
debt qualified
Chatham County
The foregoing Will was duly proved in opin Court
at February Term 1822 By Samuel Lee a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered to be recorded whereupon
John Braxton and John Gillam the Executors therein
named appeared in Court and were duly qualified and
the same was recorded in Book B Page 245. 246 & 247.
Test ThosRagland Clk
Whereas I William Gillam of the County
of Chatham and State off North Carolina being
of a sound mind and memory and Calling to mind
the uncertainty of time and the Necessity of Setling
my outward affairs, both make and ordain this my
last will and testament revoking all others hereto
=fore made by me
Item 1st It is my will and desire that all my Just
debts be paid as soon after my death as they
Conveniently can by ^my executors and if there should
not be money sufficient on hand at such time
to discharge the same that they dispose of such part
of such part of the perishable ^property and in such manner
as they may think best to raise the money
Item 2nd I give and bequeath [extra minum betweet 3 & a that looks like s: bequesth] unto my loving wife
Jane for her suport during her natural life
A part of the tract of land whereon I now live bounded
as follows beginning at a white oak near the mouth
of the lane betwixt Sam Lees Land and my own
runnig thence with the lane west nearly opposite
the barn then with sd Lees line and Benjamin Carls
line as their courses run until it strikes the partition
fence which include the pasture field known by the
name of the barn field thence to run with sd partion
fence until it stirkes the fence near the head of the
meadow thence down the meadow fence so far as to
strike the partition fence betwixt what is called the upper
meadow and lower meadow thence Northwardly in such a
degree as will include the dwelling and other necessary houses
until it strikes the fence above the house thence with the
fence leading to the first station, with priviledge of
cutting firewood, and ^also rail timeber sufficient to keep a
a good fence round the above bounded enclosure of the^other part
of the tract above mentioned
tem 4’ I give and bequeath unto my son John the tract
whereon he now lives
of land ^ bounded as follow beginning at Wm ~
Stephersons south west borner thence running south of west
to a maple worker in the glade above the house
thence a due west until it strikes John Braxtons line
thence bounded by the sd Braxtons . Claiborn Guthrie &
Wm Mcphersons Land be the same more or less it is
my will he have it and hold for his own proper use
Item 5th I give and bequeath unto my son Wm Gillam
that part of land whreon I now live note heretofore
devised at my death, and also. the land which is
bequeathed to his mother at her death together with
all the stock of every kind far^m^ing utensils and property
of every kind that is not heretofore devised, nor may
hereafter ^be^ bequeathed, and disposed of by my executors to
discharge the money legacies & Debts and it is my
will that he hold the land and property herein. bequeathed to
him forever
debt qualified
Chatham County
The foregoing Will was duly proved in opin Court
at February Term 1822 By Samuel Lee a subscribing
witness thereto and ordered to be recorded whereupon
John Braxton and John Gillam the Executors therein
named appeared in Court and were duly qualified and
the same was recorded in Book B Page 245. 246 & 247.
Test ThosRagland Clk